Plastic Free Sod For The Future

Posted by George Bravos on

Plastic Free Sod For The Future

Plastic Free Sod 

Sod and Seed, Inc. values the importance of changes necessary to reduce plastic use for the collective good of our future. We have always worked to ensure we give our customers plastic free sod options. Whether you want to call it plastic free sod, no plastic grass, non-netted sod, or eco friendly grass, it all ends the same with our sod options containing zero plastic! Join Sod and Seed, Inc. in reducing the presence of plastic in our environment one sod roll at a time. 

plastic free bermuda grass

Eco Friendly Grass

The negative impact of plastic on our environment is a global issue. In recent years, we have seen an increase in media exposing the severity of the impact plastic has on our oceans. We have enough plastic circulating our water, we don't need more plastic on land! Our plastic free sod options provide eco friendly choices when installing a new sod lawn. 

plastic free kurapia ground cover

No Plastic Grass

The popularity of artificial turf has increased in the last decade, providing plastic lawns people seek for many reasons like decreased lawn care needs such as avoiding watering and mowing. However, with increased research and information on the negative impact of plastic both on the environment and on our bodies, the last thing wanted is scolding microplastics in active wounds of children or athletes from contaminated, artificial grass. Did you know stadiums with artificial turf have to be disinfected before each game to reduce the risk of staph infections? 

plastic free bluegrass rye grass sod

Non-Netted Sod

Sod and Seed, Inc. gets frequent calls from customers looking for non-netted sod options. The concern of plastic mesh netting in sod is due to a variety of reasons. For example, homeowners want to proactively address the problem of kids or pets getting tangled up in the plastic mesh or the tripping hazard plastic netting in their sod lawn causes. Other reasons for seeking non-netted sod include how the plastic in the grass changes the aesthetic of their lawn. Bottom line, we hear you, you want grass without plastic in it. Let us provide you with a healthy lawn!

plastic free blueridge bluegrass rye grass sod

Sod and Seed, Inc. is committed to continue to give customers the highest quality, most organic and eco friendly sod options available. Though we don't hold the ultimate solution to the impact of plastic on water and soil, we don't want to ignore the problem either. This is why we work to provide plastic free options when preparing for a new sod lawn. In addition to providing no plastic grass, our sod blends also contribute to a more sustainable environment by creating oxygen and clean air as well as a means of speeding up the break down of plastics in soil from the past. If you are looking for grass with no plastic, you've come to the right place! Browse our plastic free sod selection below and give us a call at 925-435-7874 with further questions. We hope to hear from you soon. 

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  • I am so excited to see that you guys have taken a step towards reducing the use of plastic materials. I applaud you for making this change, and it will help keep our environment clean and safe!

    Jacki Barron on
  • That’s right, Cassandra! The news about the plastic-free initiative is great to hear, and I hope that more companies will follow as well. Everyone needs to do their part in keeping our planet healthy and green.

    Sharon Black on
  • Traditional plastic bottles release many harmful chemicals, and I’ve always wondered about the health effects. This blog is excellent news for everyone since plastic pollution is a huge problem today.

    Cassandra Comfort on

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