Landscape Your Sod Lawn with Grass Ground Cover

Posted by George Bravos on

Using Sod to Landscape Your Lawn

Sod is a great option to landscape your lawn, and has always been a great return for homeowners. We will share what a sod landscape is, why it is beneficial, and how to choose the best sod for your landscape. Every time we landscape, usually by install a lawn, we see big smiles on peoples faces, followed by compliments and joy. Whatever the reason is to landscape your lawn, sod is a great option. For parents, grass landscaped areas are used for countless things and activities with the whole family! Often, it starts with a dog racing sniffing and racing around the new lawn, making tiny marks and almost too happy to understand what's going on! You can say that a sod landscape is one of the things you need to make a house a home. For commercial properties, a sod landscape is more welcoming and professional, creating a landscape that not only look nice but is functional as well. Here at Sod and Seed, Inc. we make sure to find the best sod for your landscape.

Sod in backyard

What is a sod landscape?

Before we dive into using sod for your landscape, let's define what a landscape is. The Oxford Dictionary defines a landscape as "all the visible features of an area of countryside or land, often considered in terms of their aesthetic appeal." Essentially, landscape refers to what your lawn or area look like. Like in the natural world, any given area can be designed and layered in an endless number of ways. For instance, a natural or designed area can start with the ground layer, followed by bushes or flowers, and have its highest layer perhaps being a tree. Whether it's a new home or a new office building, landscaping the area is important. A sod landscape simply means using grass to cover and decorate the area.

Benefits of a Sod Landscape

So, why use sod to landscape an area? There are many reasons, but let's focus on three main reasons. A sod landscape would act as an air purifier, sod is aesthetic and practical, there are drought tolerant and low maintenance sod options.

sod for lawn

A Sod Landscape will Purify Air

First, a sod landscape acts as a purifier for air, taking in CO2 and producing clean oxygen, as well as trapping other toxins such as dust or pollen. Using grass for your landscape will clean the air around it and contribute to the global carbon emission crisis. We bet you hadn't thought of a sod landscape being able to reduce your carbon footprint.


A Sod Landscape is Aesthetic and Practical

The second reason a sod landscape is beneficial is that it is both aesthetic and practical. A sod landscape will look great can be used for practical reasons as well. For residential purposes, a sod landscape can be used as a play area for families with children, and it can serve as a hosting area for outdoor events for social homes. A landscape decorated with flowers would look great, but wouldn't make the best play area for kids and pets. For commercial purposes, a sod landscape will look beautiful and can also be of practical use for events. A sod landscape will both look great and be of good use.

grass for pets

A Sod Landscape Can Save Water and Time

The last reason a sod landscape is beneficial is that we offer many drought tolerant and low maintenance grasses, saving you water and time. So, a sod landscape would be environmentally friendly, sustainable, conserve water and save you both cost and time with low maintenance features. For example, our Kurapia is an alternative ground cover that never has to be mowed. Immediately, you know you will save on the cost of a gas-powered lawn mower as well as the time it would normally take to mow a lawn. Kurapia is also highly drought tolerant, saving you cost and money that would otherwise be sent on watering your lawn. Similarly, our Delta Tall 9010 is a drought tolerant grass that offers significant water savings. Our Mow Free only has to be mowed twice annually. At Sod and Seed, Inc. we have your water-saving and low-maintenance sod landscape covered. 



Finding the Best Sod for Your Landscape

Now that we know why sod makes a great landscape, let's establish how to find the best sod for your area. When choosing a lawn, there are 3 important factors to consider: sunlight and shade exposure, foot traffic and what you want out of a lawn. 

Best grass options

Sunlight and Shade Exposure on Your Sod Landscape

When selecting your sod landscape, the first question that should be asked is how much sunlight and shade exposure will the area have. Like most living organisms, your sod is going to need enough sunlight. We recommend a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight exposure per day, direct or filtered. So, if your landscape will be in full sun, we've got sun-loving sod options such as our Delta Tall 9010, Kurapia and Bolero Plus. If your landscape will have some shade, then you want to be sure to select a grass that has been cultivated to tolerate shade. For example, our Shade Blend or Mow Free. Give your lawn a chance and ensure it has enough sunlight or equipped for shade!


Foot traffic on Your Sod Landscape

Foot traffic on your sod landscape can range from kids, to pets or the occasional social event. In any case, considering foot traffic is key. For areas with heavier foot traffic, you'll want to be sure to get a hearty-bladed grass, or a grass with a deep rooting system that has great wear ad tear recovery. If foot traffic won't be a frequent activity on your landscape, then you have more options about what it could be. Our best sods for heavy foot traffic are our Deltas Tall 9010, Bolero Plus, Elite Plus, or WestCoaster Tall Fescue. 


What Do You Want Out of Your Sod Landscape?

Ultimately, it's important to know what you want out of your sod landscape. We get plenty of calls from customers who say something along the lines of, "I don't care how much it cost or how much it needs to be watered, give me your best looking grass." Other customers on a budget are looking for cost-efficient options. Another group is customers know they want something that's environmentally friendly, a landscape that will look nice but save water. Another group is the one tired of lawn mowing, so low maintenance options are good for them! Whatever your priority may be, it is essential to consider what you want out of your landscape, so we can find the sod that will best suit your needs!

 bermuda grass

Let's review our sod landscape discussion! A sod landscape refers to an area that is decorated or covered with grass. A sod landscape is beneficial because grass purifies air, is aesthetic and practical, and there are sod options that conserve water and are low maintenance, decreasing their need for cost and time. What sod landscape benefit most appeals to you?  With Sod and Seed, Inc. Having the largest sod selection in California, we are bound to find something that will suit your home like a nice no mow blowing in the breeze ocean side or a drought tolerant hearty mixture for the kids to play soccer on. Give us a call when you're ready for your sod landscape!

mow free lawn



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  • I got the same service, too, Natalia, and I am very grateful for that. I’ve been to many landscaping businesses before, but none have been as friendly and professional as Sod and Seed. The staff was charming and helpful. A few days earlier, I had contacted George, the owner, and he gave me great insight into what he thought would be best for my yard after he gave me his recommendations to make my property much more beautiful and better. Now the Kurapia Ground Cover is still kicking in my lawn.

    Beverly Montero on
  • I have a Kurapia Ground Cover thriving in my backyard. It has a built-in irrigation system that sucks moisture from the ground, so I don’t have to water it very often. The most excellent part is that it doesn’t die if I go a few days without watering it. My experience with Sod and Seed was a very positive one. The staff was great, and the product was delivered on time. I would definitely recommend them to anyone looking for grass or seed.

    Natalie Nadine Elena on
  • Do you have grass that can be maintained or left un-mowed?

    Artur Deacon on
  • I’m looking for sod that is an excellent choice for water-saving projects and budget-friendly landscape installations. Do you offer something about it?

    Elijah Snider on
  • Would love a quote for sod I live in Fresno.

    Emilis Dillard on

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