I need a new lawn, where do I start?

Posted by George Bravos on

Investing in a new lawn can be exciting and at times feel overwhelming, especially when you are new to lawn covers and don't know where to begin. There are many factors to consider, and in this post, we will try to make this task more manageable and accessible to all. 

Different types of grass

When planning to establish a new lawn, there are 3 fundamental factors to consider:

1. Will my sod be in full sun, partial sun/partial shade, or mostly shade? Any living plant needs 3 basic things to survive: oxygen, light, and water. So, in considering the overall health and long-term survival of your new lawn, it is essential to take into account how much light your lawn will be exposed to. For lawns in full sun, we have many sods that thrive with full direct suns such as our Delta Tall 9010, Bolero Plus Dwarf Fescue with Bluegrass, Bolero Dwarf Fescue, Latitude 36 Bermuda, Celebration Bermuda, and our WestCoaster Tall Fescue. For lawns in more shady areas, our Shade Blend and Mow Free or No Mow will do best and have the highest shade tolerance ratings. 

2. Will my sod have heavy, moderate, or light foot traffic? This can be children who may be in the yard, considering habitual pathways people may use when on your lawn (for example, people who may take shortcuts on your front lawn when walking to your front door), social gatherings that may be held on or near the lawn which will increase foot traffic such as picnics, barbecues, birthday parties, etc. Ultimately, it is important to know how much foot traffic the lawn will have because some sods are more resistant to foot traffic, otherwise, how well it will recover from wear-and-tear from foot traffic on it. Our sods with the best resistance to foot traffic are our Delta Tall 9010, Delta Bluegrass, Latitude 36 Bermuda, Celebration Bermuda, and our WestCoaster Tall Fescue

3. Will there be pets on my lawn? While no sod is "dog-proof", there are sod types that will do better with pets such as our Delta Tall 9010. One important thing to consider when ordering sod that pets will be on is that pets are likely to mark their territory when you establish your new lawn. So, we recommend ordering extra square footage to leave out and having dogs mark this extra sod when the lawn is first established, This way, you can protect the installed sod as much as possible while allowing your pets to mark their territory when exploring the new lawn cover. 

This is a brief but fundamental guide to the initial stages of figuring out what sod type will best suit the conditions your new lawn cover will be in! If you're still feeling stuck, give us a call at (925) 435 - 7874!



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  • Hello Peter! Thank you for your feedback. We are always there for your turf needs and concern. Dont hesitate to call us if you need further assistance. ;)

    Lizza L. on
  • Reading your blog helped me decide which turf is the best in my yard. I think Kurapia answered everything that I needed, thanks to you.

    Peter Elliott Munro on
  • Thanks this is very helpful.

    Irving Lowe on
  • Thank you. Well explained. One question, would you recommend treating the ground with fertilizer before laying the sod?

    Marina Ryan on

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