3 Reasons Why Having a Grass Lawn Benefits Your Health (2022)
Posted by George Bravos on
Yes, you read our title correctly, grass is literally healthier for you and at Sod and Seed, Inc. we want to share these health benefits of having a grass lawn! In today’s blog, we will discuss 3 main health benefits of having a grass lawn, including a grass lawn’s ability to act as a filter, regulate environmental factors and promote physical activity. With over 20 years of experience in the lawn industry and formal training and education, we have had the opportunity to learn about our plants and see first hand through our work the benefits customers report back to us. Let's dig into some health talk!
A Grass Lawn has Filtering Properties
Although we may not see it, at a microscopic level, a grass lawn has filtering properties that can benefit your health. Whether we grew in a clean dust-free home or a busy, bustling city home, most of us have experienced the contrast between a clean and less clean environment. Perhaps a clean environment most of us have experienced is the inside of a newly built or renovated home (even if we just went to the open house for fun!) or how a hospital room feels when you first walk. Perhaps a less clean environment most of us may have experienced is the front office of a school, always seemingly filled with scraped knees, coughing children and open food and drinks out in the open. In any case, beyond what the human eye can see, there are germs flying everywhere around us at all times, more or less so in certain places. Our home should not be an exception to a clean environment. Your grass lawn acts as a filter between the outside environment and the inside of your home, catching dust, dander and other organisms outside before they can fly into your home. This may include allergens from outside animals, plant life and blooming flowers and other natural or man-made contaminants. Feeling tired of all that dust making its way into your home, leaving window sills dirty? There’s a fix! As one of Scott’s blogs put it, a grass lawn is “an effective dust trap.”
Here are some details about the benefits of our Delta Tall 9010, our #1 Best Selling Grass!

A Grass Lawn Can Regulate Environmental Factors
Though we may not think about it often, a grass lawn can regulate environmental factors such as temperatures and sound. For instance, grass absorbs heat and light, cooling down the surrounding temperatures. In his blog, “Why Is Grass Cooler Than Concrete?”, Paolo Bellosillo nicely recaps for us that grass absorbs heat from the sun through photosynthesis and converts that heat into energy. Grass is not only metaphorically cooler than concrete, grass is literally cooler than concrete. Similarly, a sod lawn can absorb sounds waves, acting as an insulator for sound. Thankfully, this may dim the sounds of your neighbor's dog, who never seems to get tired of barking! It’s quite fascinating how the natural elements and organisms have a reason for being and a reason for interacting in the way they do.
Our Shade Blend is versatile and can thrive both in shady and full sun areas!
A Grass Lawn Promotes Physical Activity
A grass lawn is a great strategy to promote physical activity. According to ScienceDaily, “36% of adults in the U.S. do not engage in any leisure-time physical activity." Considering our bodies move by design, the lack of physical activity can have grave consequences on the human body, as discussed in this same article, such as the development of heart disease, certain types of cancer, diabetes and osteoporotic fractures. For families with small children, it is widely known that movement is needed for proper and healthy development. A grass lawn is a perfect space to safely stretch out, tumble around, let a baby crawl, practice some yoga, play tag, and do an infinite amount of physical activities on. (Be sure to ask us which turf types are best for foot traffic!) While many valid excuses exist for not going to the gym, out for a hike, a jog, or run, a grass lawn in your front or backyard can be an immediate space for opportunities to be physically active and foster the health benefits of your body’s movement.
Let's recap what we’ve covered! We discussed three main reasons why a grass lawn is beneficial to our health, including a grass lawn’s ability to act as a filter, regulate environmental factors and foster physical activity. Which of these health benefits could you and your family benefit from the most? Check out our products and see which one appeals to you. Keep in mind, there are many factors to consider when choosing a type of grass for your lawn and since we have the largest lawn selection, feel free to reach out to us if you’re feeling stuck and need help choosing a turf type! Below is our #1 Best Selling sod for lawns that will have higher foot traffic if you’re thinking about a new play and movement area!
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I’ve always dreamt of having an evergreen lawn with different flowers and plants, so my wife and I decided to make this happen next year. We’re looking for more information about purchasing freshly grown lawns since our house’s one it’s too damaged, so we’ll look into it while reading your insight. We appreciate your information on how a healthy lawn leads to cool surroundings. https://www.perthturfsupplies.com.au/lawn-varieties
I found it interesting that you discuss the benefits of grass farms. I like that you discuss that grass lawn has filtering properties that can benefit your health. Thanks for emphasizing that grass lawns can regulate environmental factors such as temperatures and sound and grass absorbs heat and light, cooling down the surrounding temperatures. We should take care of our environment to ensure that it will benefit human nature.
Hello Marianne! Yes, we have Celebration Bermuda is an excellent option because it’s an allergen-free variety of sod. For more information about this grass, you may visit this link https://www.lawndelivery.com/collections/frontpage/products/celebration-bermuda-grass. I hope you can use this grass for your home to make your yard look nice one day.
This blog is impressive. I wonder what grass would suit our place in San Mateo. My husband is looking for something that can handle higher traffic and allergen-free at the same time. Do you have any recommendations for this type of grass?
Kudos to you for being so thoughtful. Aside from physical activity, green grass can provide relaxation and stress alleviation.