Can I get organic sod?

Posted by George Bravos on

Can I get organic sod?

Yes! At Sod and Seed, Inc., our sod is grown on an organic peat soil base. Peat is a layer on the soil formed from decomposed material and is what makes peat soil organic. Our organic peat soil fosters a healthy biome and has many positive attributes. So yes, organic sod is possible, and we’ve got it! Additionally, our sod is also grown to food-grade standards, making it safe from harmful pesticides known to cause long-term negative effects on people, pets, and surrounding plant life. Remember, pesticides go beyond the surface and seep into the soil, having a negative impact for years to come. So if you are thinking of growing food in your yard, it is important to test your soil to ensure it is safe for growing food intended to consume. Even for plants not intended for consumption, a plant’s rooting system can be contaminated by absorbing pesticides deep beneath the surface and ultimately be compromised. 

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Dog on sod


However, with an organic lawn (like the one we can provide!), you can be at ease that kids playing on the grass or pets getting into the lawn will be safe if they come in contact with our sod and soil. It is also important to have healthy topsoil to put sod on when establishing your new lawn. While the main purpose of a new lawn may be for its aesthetics or for socializing, there are many factors at play that are important to consider. As our CEO often reminds us, each sod blade is its own organism and should get the attention and care it needs. From healthy topsoil to an organic sod base, there are many key considerations to make. You should think of your lawn as a home to each sod blade individually, needing all the major elements - oxygen, sunlight, and water. You should also think of your lawn as one part of a biome composed of many elements like surrounding plant life such as trees, flowers, garden beds, and so forth. Each of these elements will in turn interact with more life that also needs attention and care such as crawling critters, birds, butterflies, bees, furry four-legged friends and so much more! So, as you get ready for your new lawn, try to keep all these things in mind. If part of your search includes organic sod, give us a call and we’ll happily discuss our selection with you and the sod option that will best suit your conditions. From the new and innovative Kurapia, to our Delta Tall 9010 and Shade Blend, ask us about our organic sod options. 

Visit us at for our sod selection and at for preparation and install tips!

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  • These are so freakin helpful! I realize I’m making a lot of mistakes but that’s how you learn! Thank you

    Brennan Acosta on
  • Cool. I am trying to get grass in for my yard and this seems to be interesting.

    Ezra Sharp on
  • Well, I am convinced that I can do my own yard now. Thank you!

    Zunairah Lozano on
  • I’ve been struggling with pests from my old lawn and the majority of grass turned yellow and some of it didn’t survive. Do you have tips about lawn care?

    Isobelle Vargas on
  • The idea of having an organic sod makes me want to try it. Thanks for sharing!

    Rafi Mullen on

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