Best sod for Elk Grove Californa
Posted by George Bravos on
Sod Elk Grove
In the city of Elk Grove, or any of the surrounding areas in Sacramento County the conditions are hot and dry but cool off quickly in the evening. The City has about 2 feet of Sandy loam base before you begin penetrating into the subsoil which is claypen.

This allows a wide variety of sods or grasss to choose from. The most popular grasses currently for Elk Grove being hybrid Tall Fescue, dwarf fescue, and Bermuda blends. All of these types of grasses Are suitable for medium to heavy foot traffic. Most blends do come mixed with either ten percent bluegrass or 10% rye. Mixing combinations gives advantages like seeding when stressed and high disease resistance.
For homes with medium to large size dogs we will always recommend a Tall Fescue blends, We have multiple options to choose from. Below we will include links to each type. For a pet frienly sod option that is not in direct sun all day we also hav our special shade blend. This hybrid sod mixture has 10% fine fescue instead of bluegrass bringing up the shade tolerance.
If The home does not have dogs the options Will become much broader. When looking for a soft textured slow growing grass for young kids or just for a nice place to relax we recommend Kentucky blue grass and perennial rye and blnds of each. These grasses will tolerate sun and shade and stay green all year they do not work well with sports or heavy activity. Our best seller is a 50-50 mix of bluegrass and ryegrass. Whenever mixing grass as you get increase durability and disease resistance. We have 100% Kentucky bluegrass 100% ryegrass 50% Kentucky blue grass and 50% right as well as a ride blue which is 80% ryegrass and 20% Kentucky bluegrass both of these lawns aesthetically are very beautiful Kentucky blue grass has a darker color and Both stay green year round. these blades were great and light foot traffic areas or said shade areas where texture and aesthetics are the primary needs for the home.
If looking for a grass you could cut short that will repair itself but seasonally goes to sleep save you water take a Bermuda. Bermuda grass is like Latitude 36 and celebration are great at having thin blade and textures and being able to be cut low many sporting applications do use Bermuda for the fast recovery. While these blinds have Hydro tolerance they do go to sleep during the winter saving even more water. You can see easily over seed with right before winter to keep the lawn green and in the spring the Bermuda Grass will awaken and come alive.
If looking for something that requires even less water and is native, check out our Frog fruit ground cover, boasting 60% water savings compared to a standard lawn and never needs to be mowed! Twice a year, frog fruit ground cover blooms small white purple flowers bringing a gorgeous look to any lawn area.
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I’m delighted with the Blueridge Bluegrass sod I recently purchased from you. The sod was delivered on time, and the quality was top-notch. I would recommend your company to anyone looking for grass sod.
We are having a rough time with our lawn, and I found a grass that perfectly matches us. I’m sending you a message right now.
The new hybrid tall fescue mixtures work great in hot active areas. I recommend this also based off of the animal traffic you mentioned. We have multiple versions of fescue mixtures as well as native type grasses that will provide a huge reduction in water use.
Tall 9010
Enduro dwarf tall fescue
Premium 9010
Each product provides a rating system and pricing which includes delivery.
thank you for the question.
What kind of sod would you recommend for a front lawn that has full exposure to sun? My kids run around the grass and sometimes the neighbor’s dog urinate in my lawn. Any information would be useful. Thank you!