Non-Netted Blueridge Sports Turf

  • $652.80
  • Save $262.19
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Non-Netted Blueridge Sports Turf Ratings

Non-Netted Blueridge Sports Turf Ratings 1 - 10 (10 being best)

Drought Tolerance: 5
Winter Color: 9
Heat Tolerance: 4
Moderate Wear: 8
Disease Resistance: 7
Shade Tolerance: 5

Non-Netted Blueridge Sports Turf Description and Sod Information

Our Non-Netted Blueridge Sports Turf is a blend of 50% Kentucky Bluegrass and 50% Perennial Rye-grass and grown on a sandy loam base that is green year-round. This grass is often and ideally used for applications such as athletic fields. Our Non-Netted Blueridge Sports Turf is dense, with a luscious, green appearance. The Ryegrass in this mixture gives the grass higher wear and tear recovery, which is why it is frequently used for sports fields, playgrounds, and parks where kids are constantly playing. This is a cooler season sod and can be seeded to keep its beautiful, green dense appeal and to help it recover from wear. It has great disease resistance because of its structure and Ryegrass characteristics. Although the Non-Netted Blue-ridge prefers sunny locations, it has good adaptations for areas with moderate shade.

Our Sod and Seed Starter Fertilizer is always recommended when sodding/seeding a lawn. You can shop our Starter Fertilizer at the link below, or add it to your cart at check out.

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