Grass Seed
Picking Grass Seed
Depending on where you live, picking a grass seed can feel hard with so many grass seed options to choose from. Dozens of blends of grass seed in retail all claim to be the best, but here we will explain the seed types in detail and why they suit certain conditions best. Disclaimer for grass seed, sod, and ground covers: All of these will need at least 60 percent sunlight throughout the day, meaning if the area you want to sod or plant grass seed in is in shade all day or most of the day, most grass and ground covers will not survive. Plants need light to live and while grass seed does germinate in areas with little sun, once the sod lawn has grown in, sod lawn areas with less than 60% sun will result in eventual thinning and death. For area in shady conditions, we recommend considering our Shade Blend Fescue Grass Seed, RTF Grass Seed, Native Mow Free and Mow Free or No Mow grass seed (call 1-800-381-8163 for customer estimates). With our disclaimers and warnings about grass seed out of the way, lets begin!
What Grass Seed Should I Use
This question about grass seed is easily answered by looking at surroundings and conditions and last what you want visually. While visual appeal is what tells us most of the time what we would like, Learning about the needs of the area and conditions is what will help us determine what type of grass will thrive looking the best Afterall.
Grass Seed For Direct Sun
For grass seed in direct sun areas lets first look at weather conditions through the year. If you are living in the northern region of America you will primarily be looking at cool season grass seed mixtures but will also have the option of fescue grass seed mixes with Kentucky bluegrass seed and perennial ryegrass seed. Fescue, bluegrass, and ryegrass thrive in cool climates and in direct sun. The reason Bermuda grass is not recommended is the fact that Bermuda grass goes dormant in the winter browning out making bermudagrass hard to maintain in colder areas. Snow has a huge impact on bermudagrass in a negative way as well since bermudagrass thrives in hot climates.
Living in the central regions of America we find more options due to more stable weather. The snow rarely comes into affect and freezing is not and issue for roots. Here in central region of America grass like bermudagrasses such as latitude 36 and celebration are just as popular as fescues in terms of durability but also provide self repairing qualities. For a lawn that will be green all year use fescue grass seed, bluegrass seed, or ryegrass seed. Many blends will have a mixture of 90 percent fescue and 10 percent bluegrass or rye grass for optimum drought tolerance. Bermudagrass works well but during the winter will go dormant to some people a great deal saving 25% on watering through the year while for others who want to keep an active area, overseed with ryegrass seed. With overseeding watering regularly is required but this helps to protect your Bermuda grass while giving a green area in winter.
Southern Regions of America love there bermudagrass. The fact that they can have a very drought tolerant lawn that repairs itself is a great deal and with no snow or freeing bermudagrass is supreme where it is hot and dry most of the year. Fescue grass seed works well and you can use bluegrass or rye grass in the south but the watering will have to be a regular every other day watering and in the high heats may even need daily watering. We find many hybrid or island style alternatives in the south to help give more selection in grasses like zoysia St Augustine and buffalo grass. Many of these types of grass are hybrids and may be sterile or not available in grass seed but may have native or natural alternatives.
Grass Seed for Stripes
If looking for a grass to stripe for visual appeal and soft texture and water is not a huge worry, Ryegrass seed and ryegrass sod will provide you with the best looking dark to light contrast. This is because one side of the ryegrass seed blade is very waxy and shiny making the contrast when making stripes in a lawn the most visually stimulating. Ryegrass seed is also the fastest grass you can produce from seed/ Need a lawn fast ryegrass seed is your answer
Fastest Growing Grass Seed
Ryegrass seed grows fast, fastest in fact when compared to all other major grass seeds. The best seed for fast growth is ryegrass,